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Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance Application Guidelines and Process

2024-2025 Season Application Deadline -

July 1, 2024 

FC United is committed to providing an opportunity to players in financial need. This Financial Assistance Awards are need-based ONLY and may cover up to 100% of the Club dues. Any families/players who are in need of financial assistance may apply.

All applicants who are awarded financial assistance must attend a required meeting prior to the fall season. Date and time of meeting TBD.

Please complete the CONFIDENTIAL application form and submit electronically, along with copies of the following documentation:

1. Most recent 2 years of federal tax returns.
2. Most recent pay-stub from employers.

Please white out all social security numbers or account numbers from Federal Tax Returns, pay-stubs, and other financial information submitted. Applicants will have the opportunity to disclose any extraordinary expenses such as college tuition, ongoing/uncovered medical expenses, hardship and other situations that may impact the applicant's financial condition. All information regarding scholarship status and financial information shall remain undisclosed and confidential.

Team player expenses for games and tournaments are NOT covered as part of a standard need-based awards. The financial assistance does not cover cost of tournaments, uniforms, travel expenses, league game expense or incidentals. Any players seeking an opportunity to raise additional funds to help offset any additional team expenses may contact the Club Administrator at [email protected]

Our awards will be allocated accordingly among any qualified applicants and the amount of coverage may range, based on financial documented criteria. Players/families who are awarded need-based support are expected to participate in any club fundraisers (in addition to the Midwest Classic, which is a club-wide event where all members are expected to participate) events or volunteer positions within the club. These awards may be revoked for lack of adherence to expectations. Recipients must be especially cognizant of meeting all the normal participation expectations of the club/team. 

Assistance is awarded annually and a new application will be required if applying in each subsequent year. Concessions may be considered for hardship situations that could include a sudden significant loss of income or hardship situation that would impact a player's ability to stay in the program for financial reasons.


Email to [email protected] along with supporting documentation.

Contact Us

FC United

8610 Milburn Rd 
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52411

Email: [email protected]

FC United

8610 Milburn Rd 
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52411

Email: [email protected]
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